Hi my name is Frances.

My family and I served in Cochabamba, Bolivia for four years. My husband and I were orphanage administrators for a year and a half. We led a small group and a college group for two years. I led a Women’s Bible Study for two years. My husband set up and managed a guest house and worked on getting his pilot’s license to (in the future, Lord willing) be a missionary pilot. We also adopted a baby girl.

Because of circumstances and exhaustion we returned to the US in September of 2014. I would ask that you would pray…

  • For me and my family as we transition back to life in the US. It seems like my most difficult times are when I least expect it. It has only been seven months since we were in Bolivia and it feels like a lifetime ago and a world ago.
  • For our finances as it is difficult moving from country to country and setting up a home.
  • For our adoption here on the US side.


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