SHE IS Made for More… Made to THRIVE!


As 2018 draws to a close, there are still thousands of global women serving around the world who are desperate for radical change.

These women have answered the vital call of missions – to see that every tribe, tongue, people, and nation would come to know the gospel and our savior Jesus Christ. Sadly, because of a lack of member care and support for global workers, global women suffer from feeling:

Alone. Unloved. Forgotten. Misunderstood. Isolated. Broken. Spiritually dry. 

The list goes on…

But she is made for so much more than this. She is made to thrive! And that’s why we exist… To transform the health and wellness of our global workers by showing each and every global woman SHE IS: known, loved, remembered, understood, valued, and supported.

In our 21 years of ministry, God has worked through us to provide this radical change for thousands of global women serving across the vast majority of the earth. We have seen the gospel go forth in dark places because global women have been renewed in their callings and transformed to thrive again.

As we plan for an even more impactful 2019, our goal is to raise $25,000 before the end of 2018. When you support our year-end campaign, you are supporting the gospel being made known worldwide—from the mountains to small islands, from the wilderness to the mega-city—by more thriving global women.

Your donation this year will make this possible by:

  • Sustaining our retreats for women to attend for face-to-face renewal
  • Supporting the launch of a new mentoring, life coaching, and spiritual direction program
  • Funding an app for daily spiritual nourishment and connection for global women


YOU can be a catalyst for radical change in the lives of global women. Show her SHE IS made for more… SHE IS made to thrive!


“I came depleted, I leave full. I came broken, I leave restored.
I came naked, I leave clothed. I came needy, I leave loved
God has used Thrive to truly heal me, transform me, and strengthen me
to continue well in the calling He has placed on my life.”


Thank you for your support of transformations like this!
