Meeting Needs | 2018 Philippines Retreat

As I wander through the self-care rooms taking photos, I’m amazed at the deep connections that are being formed between women who first met yesterday… less than 24 hours ago.

Each self-care room has its own unique feel: the one-on-one counseling, prayer, and health consultation sessions; the calming music and relaxed ambiance of the massage room; the steady flow of women eager for a haircut; and the organized chaos of the pedicure room. Despite the differences, all are designed with the same goal–to provide a safe place of rest, healing, and restoration for these Global Women, many of whom express feelings of fear, guilt, worry, and more.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Many women commented that people they come in contact with, both in their country of service and country of origin, don’t truly understand–or want to understand–their struggles. It has been beautiful to see God using the women’s interactions to provide much-needed healing and fellowship. Some women have described this retreat experience as “meeting a need I didn’t know I had.” So many have been thirsting for this kind of fellowship and support, and now they can provide healing for others while receiving it themselves.

My prayer for this retreat is that it reminds these women to address their own spiritual, physical, and emotional needs. In doing this, they are restored and better able to serve God and the people He has entrusted to them… it’s evident in the transformation from weary and heavy-hearted women to warriors with renewed strength and passion for the communities they serve.


©2018 Thrive