Expectations | 2018 Colorado Retreat

Thrive exists to meet the needs of global women and to do so in ways that tangibly express how lavishly loved they are by the God they serve. Before every retreat there are many, many people who invest in preparing personal details to achieve this goal. Because most attendees have never been to a Thrive retreat, they come not knowing exactly what to expect.
One attendee said that after committing to the retreat, she began to dread the thought of actually attending. Because she serves in the Middle East, she is not often around American women and she was convinced there was no way they could actually “get” her life.  Her expectation was that she would be uncomfortable and ready to return home as soon as she arrived. However, soon after the retreat began, she was overwhelmed by the sweet spirit of connection she felt with the other women. She was surprised over and over again with how much she felt loved and valued through all the personal interactions during the various events and activities. Not only was she feeling known and cared for, she was having fun! She was able to make connections with other global women that she expects to keep after the retreat is over.
Another attendee said that after reading the topics that would be covered at the retreat as well as some of the opportunities that would be available, her expectation level was very high. She has been so delighted to discover that as high as her expectations were, the actual experiences have actually exceeded them. Her spirit has been encouraged by feeling so wanted and welcome. Not only has the teaching challenged and enriched her faith, but the personal attention during the self care options has served to greatly lift her spirit. Most importantly, she has experienced great joy as God has enabled her and other attendees to mutually encourage one another.
Isn’t it so like our good Father to exceed our expectations?
©2018 Thrive