Today we pray for Attendees:  Kathy, Marlene, Tiffany

For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. (Philippians 1:14-16)

Dear Heavenly Father,

You know how cross-cultural teams often struggle to work well together. You know what disagreements or broken relationships our attendees may be struggling to resolve.  Because we know you highly value unity and love for one another, we ask with confidence for reconciliation and for Your godly wisdom for the women to know how to deal with divisions or differing perspectives. Please give those on unhealthy teams a desire for harmony and peace. Gifts of humility, compassion, true friendship and unity are needed for each team represented at the retreat.

As the women enjoy the tranquility of the retreat, may You teach them how to live in peace with their teammates.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

©2017 Thrive

Attendee Country of Service Prayer Focus Nation: Tanzania

Challenges for Prayer:
Growth in the mainline Churches has been good but sporadic. Renewal movements in Lutheran, Anglican and Catholic churches bring life to traditional congregations; most of the bishops are evangelical. Some problems that limit further growth in numbers and spirituality are:
a) Extensive areas where churches have stagnated and where many potentially open villages remain unreached. The need is great for more evangelists and church planters.

b) African worship patterns, choirs and collections combined with Western cultural forms have taken priority over biblical teaching.

c) Swahili is used in fully 96% of church services even though it is not the heart language of the majority. Pray for the development of songs, teaching and resources in the first languages of all Tanzania’s peoples.

Excerpts taken from Operation World