Topic: Repentance and Restoration

Today we pray for Attendees: Holly, Lorinda and Karen

We pray that we not show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance and patience, toward us, help us fully realize (and allow) that God’s kindness lead us toward repentance. (Romans 2:4) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9

Only You know the individual strongholds that need demolishing for each of the women attending- both personally and work-wise. Give them an intimate sensitivity and responsiveness to your Holy Spirit and the Word to combat sin, evil, fears and lies.  May they each live experiencing the power of Jesus Christ and His completed work for them.  Have them hear “Dear daughter, I forgive you”, when they repent, confess and ask for forgiveness, and enable each of them to accept that forgiveness and walk free of guilt, shame, and self-condemnation. We ask that You protect and guide them in the midst of their battles.  May they live in truth and experience your freedom as a result. Make the retreat be a sanctuary of peace and healing for their bodies, minds and souls.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

©2017 Thrive


Regional Prayer Focus Nation: Bulgaria

Challenges for Prayer

Ministry to young people is crucial. The current generation differs greatly from their Communist-era parents. There are some excellent developments in this ministry area but more are needed. CCCI is active. IFES has established student groups in 10 cities, but needs prayer to reach more unbelieving students effectively.

Christian media ministries. Difficult conditions for evangelism in the 1990s invited a more creative and savvy approach. Bulgaria’s use of media for spreading the gospel is praiseworthy. From tracts to glossy magazines to Internet and television, it is estimated most Bulgarians are exposed to the gospel through mass media. The same media further serves the Church by keeping it informed of both domestic and international issues, with the Internet in particular increasing resource availability (sermons, music, articles, etc).

Excerpts taken from Operation World