My name is Victoria and my family has served in Cambodia since 2007. We came to Asia on a 2-year contract that turned into an open ended, “this place is home” kind of feeling. It wasn’t always that way however, when we arrived in Asia with high hopes of “reaching the lost” we were placed on a dysfunctional team. We added to that dysfunction. Our second year was out of obligation and an act of our will. We were learning what many of you already know, global work is not possible by any human strength.
I would like to say we are past those freshmen mistakes, but 10 years and 4 kids later we are still learning new things all the time. For the past 2 years we have been working with the cousins program in a provincial town that is connected to a village of people we love. We don’t have a church, our Bible studies are sporadic, so if you asked us what we do here, answering is complicated. The answer is that we wake up each morning and try to be faithful. We strive to hear God’s leading and open our home to anyone who will come. Many days we need to remind ourselves that even when we feel like we are useless vessels from “the island of misfit toys”, we are in fact ambassadors of Christ, pouring out our lives for His glory, and that is enough. What a privilege it is to serve the Lord.
Our prayer requests are:
- That our family will be faithful to do all that we are called to and to not loose heart over all the things we are not.
- That we will remember that the work is His and His alone.
- For those we serve to be rescued from the power of darkness and brought into His glorious light.
©2017 Thrive.