Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
James 1:17

There is a huge empty field near our home, and this year it is red almost as far as the eye can see. I had thought that maybe it’s like this every year, but people are saying that they can’t remember it happening before. Crimea is famous for poppy fields, and I know they grow like this in western Ukraine, too, but not here. The newspapers are publishing various theories about where the poppies came from, but no one really knows. My personal theory is that God knows we have had a hard year and a half–all of Ukraine has–so He wanted to send us a special treat. We’re certainly enjoying it! Our own family has gone for several nice long walks through the poppies, and there are crowds of people out there taking photos almost non-stop in this short time when it’s all so beautiful.


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