_______________ DAY 12 – CARING FOR AGING PARENTS_______________

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life.”

Luke 18:29–30

Today I/we pray for attendees: Michele, Joy, Cathy, Ruth, Barbara, Heather, and Danita

There is no doubt that loss, pain, and worry (even guilt) accompanies leaving loved ones behind for the sake of following His call on one’s life. Lord, Counselor, would You please give great discernment of how best to care for aging parents long-distance. I/we ask for peace, love, understanding, appreciation, and clear communication among siblings—along with provision for the various stages of transition as the needs become more complicated. Grant wisdom and provision (along with timing) for “emergency” visits. If parents do not know Jesus as their Savior, would You bring them into intimate relationship with You before they die? Father, comfort all hearts involved, and bless families with significant connections when face-to-face, as well as long distance.

Father, there are few countries that call for the wisdom of Solomon in governing itself as does Turkey. Constitutionally it is a secular country, with a majority desiring closer ties with Europe. Bubbling not far from the surface is a significant minority that seeks to place the country under Islamic law. Throw in the sizeable Kurdish population (14-20%), whose goal of separation from Turkey often erupts in violence, and one begins to sympathize with the task of the country’s leaders. Turkey continues to have one of the lowest percentages of believers in the world, though advances are being made in the face of hostile opposition from militant Muslims. I/we pray for the perseverance of workers and believers as they seek to be used by God in sowing his message in some of the harshest soil in the world.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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