As these ladies have chosen to attend the Thrive retreat in Peru, what a opportunity for them to receive our prayers for their rest, encouragement, and spiritual nourishment. What a privilege we have to uphold these sisters in Christ who are serving Him in various countries. Praying for each woman is a way to effectively partner with each ministry and thus be a part of a global eternal impact – all this without leaving your house. There is no greater gift you can give these women that will restore their souls and impact the Kingdom than sincere prayers on their behalf. I invite you to join with us in covering each of these ladies and the volunteers in prayer over the course of the next 30 days. Invest in the Gospel explosion via prayer!

Praying with you,
Debbie Suits

Attendees: Krista, Rachel, Carrie, and Lori

May these women trust in the Lord with all their hearts and lean not unto their own understanding; in all their ways acknowledge Him and He will make their paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Adoption is a beautiful, complex thing. Lord, we pray for insight, grace, and perseverance as the women and their husbands embrace a new member into the family (sometimes in addition to their biological children). We pray for healing of wounds, attatchment when its not natural, and a deep sense of being loved for these children.

Raising TCK’s (third culture kids) is a complex endeavor at best. Parents’ desires are for each of them to have a personal belief/walk with God and that they grow into healthy (spiritual, emotional, and physical) functional adults. Various cultures, transitions (hello’s and goodbyes), schools, parents’ relationship and ministries, settings, and pace, all influence their search for identity, purpose and sense of belonging. Please pour out Your spirit of wisdom, discernment, perseverance, love, grace, humor, patience, forgiveness, and provision as the parents influence these unique kids to become all that You desire them to be. It is definitely a faith journey for all involved. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


©2015 Thrive.