Volunteers: (Color) Debbie and Peggy (Hair) Christina and Jessica (Nurse) Ann (Massage) Nannette and Jaime

The Lord God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).

Lord Jesus, rekindle belief and experience of this verse in these ladies’ lives.

As women, You know of our many struggles with self-esteem. Lord, we ask You to help these ladies live in truth and not belittle their value by dwelling on Satan’s lies. Give them discipline, perseverance, and creativity to take care of their bodies and nourish their souls. We ask that You help them find healthy ways to deal with their stress. Lead them into healthy rhythms in work, rest, exercise, and friendship. May their time at the retreat lift their spirits and affirm their value and femininity. Remind them that they are unique and beloved daughters of the King. We seek your blessing as we do color analysis and make-up, offer exercise classes in the morning, do massages, and give nurse consultations.

BANGLADESH: One would be forgiven to think the word Bangladesh is Bengali for disaster due to the floods and cyclones that seem to plague this small, but crowded country. 170 million people make this one of the densest areas of the world, almost four times that of India. If that wasn’t enough poverty is endemic the government makes the top 10 list for corruption. Pray that a gospel movement among rural tribes and communities would continue to grow. Pray also for a small but growing turning to the Lord by those with a Muslim background. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


©2015 Thrive.