Today we pray for…

Retreat attendees: Mandy, Rachel, and Suzanne

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations (Psalm 67:1). Let all people thank and enjoy you (Psalm 67:3 – The Message).

Chris Tomlin’s song is our prayer for every lady. “Open up the skies of mercy and rain down the cleansing flood. Healing waters rise around us and hear our cries, Lord and let them rise. And it’s Your kindness Lord that leads us to repentance. Your favor, Lord is our desire. And may your beauty Lord make us stand in silence and (re-believe that) Your love, your love is better than life. Help us feel Your mercy falling, You are turning our hearts back again. Hear our praises, rise to heaven and draw us near Lord and meet us here.”

Squeezed between Angola and Mozambique, Zambia is a country of 14 million people where Christianity is widely accepted. Evangelicals have grown from a little under 4% in 1960 to over 25% in 2010. Even though Christian Zambians have held high office, living out a vibrant faith is not commonly seen. A staggering 86% of the population live below the poverty level. We pray that holistic ministries addressing the physical and spiritual needs of the people of Zambia would continue to grow in number and effectiveness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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