2014 Winter Middle East Retreat | We’re arriving

DSCF7989God has brought together an amazing 2014 Turkey Retreat team. I am so excited to be a part of the work He is doing here!

Christina and I arrived in Antalya late last night and were joined by Linda, Jill and Miriam, veteran Thrive retreat volunteers. After close to 24 hours of travel we were warmly welcomed by the staff of the Porto Bello Hotel, enjoyed a late dinner, and a good night’s sleep.

DSCF8005This morning we met with the hotel management to finalize details for the event, prepare the meeting rooms and iron out last minute details. After lunch we were able to explore Antalya a bit, get our bearings and exchange our US dollars for Turkish lira. It was great to be able to wander along the beach and through the city, while getting to know a few of the long-time volunteers a little better.DSCF7990

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the rest of our volunteers over the next two days. How exciting to finally see this amazing team God has knit together all in one place!

Retreat Coordinator

©2014 Thrive