A. We will be using Psalm 16 this week to focus on the character of God our Father. You may want to write personal prayers and praises to Him in your journal. Today, start with Psalm 16:1-3.

B. Read I John 1:5 through I John 2:2. John wants us to understand God as the Light in our lives and how that Light dispels all darkness. He wants us to honestly look at ourselves. He wants us to see that we are sinners and know we cannot hide this fact.

1. Read I John 2:1 again. What is John’s heart’s desire for us, his “dear children”?

a. When we do sin, who speaks to the Father in our defense?
b. What does Romans 8:34 say?

2. What does I John 2:2 say about Jesus Christ, the Righteous One?

a. What about Romans 3:25-26?
b. How is anyone justified before God? (Romans 3:23-24)
c. How much does it cost us to be made right with God? (Romans 3:23-24)
d. How much did it cost God? (Romans 5:6-8)

C. Think about what you’ve just read along with your answers above. Could you explain God’s plan to take care of our sins to someone else? What would you say?

D. Through God’s faithfulness, our sins have been paid for. Even now, when we sin, Jesus speaks on your behalf. What do you learn about God’s character from these facts?


Life Points . . .

  1. Meditate on this: Jesus’ blood paid the price for my sins and for the sins of the whole world. This payment through His perfect blood becomes mine when I believe in this promise (John 3:16). Spend some time discussing this plan of salvation with God. Isn’t it amazing?
  2. Begin memorizing I John 2:17.





A. Read Psalm 16:3-6. What do verses five and six mean to you?

B. Read I John 2:3-6 aloud two or three times. John has already addressed the fact that children of God still sin, however, the “work in progress” of God in a believer’s life deals with sin constantly.

1. According to God’s Word, can you really know God and not be changed?

a. What does I John 2:3 say?
b. What does verse four say?
c. What about verse five? Also read Jesus’ words from John 14:15.
d. How do we know for sure that we are in Jesus (experiencing true fellowship and oneness with God)? (I John 2:5-6)

2. How does true love manifest itself in a human relationship?

a. I John 2:5 says that God’s love becomes complete in us when it moves us to obedience. Verse three says obedience proves that we know Him. Do you see a supernatural progression here? Share your thoughts.
b. I John 2:6 says that if we claim to live in Him, we must walk as Jesus did. How can we know how Jesus walked?


Life Points . . .

  1. Do you want to be one with the Father? That is what Jesus prayed for you (John 17). Talk to Him about what that means for you. Are you just getting to know Him? How can you obey Him today? Watch how His love grows in you through obedience.
  2. In your journal, write your thoughts to God. What are you learning about Him that is increasing your love for Him? Where is He pointing out disobedience to you?
  3. Continue memorizing I John 2:17.





A. Read Psalm 16:7-8. In what areas do you need counsel? Talk to the all-wise Counselor.

B. Read I John 2:7-11. John is talking about the command to love God and others. This command is not new (see Leviticus 19:18); however, John is shedding new light on this command as he tells us how to apply it in all kinds of relationships.

C. What point do you think John is making in I John 2:9-11?

  1. What is blinding the one who is hateful? (verse 11)
  2. What is the only way to remove darkness?
  3. Who is our source of light?


D. This type of love is called agape. It is unconditional love. It is a willful decision to obey the Father. What did Jesus say about this type of love in Luke 6:27-36?

  1. What aspects of this passage did Jesus experience first hand?
  2. It is crucial that those in the family of God love one another unconditionally. Jesus said that we would be known as His by our love for each other. Through our unity the world will know that God the Father sent Jesus to love the world. Sadly enough, we can all point to those who have failed in this area, but what about us? What ways can you think of for us to obey this command?
  3. What kind of reward can we receive if we demonstrate this type of love? (Luke 6:35)


Life Points . . .

  1. Whom are you struggling to love? There are many ways to obediently love even when we are at a point where emotionally it seems impossible. Some ways we can show love to the person we are struggling with are: praying for them, not talking about them (gossip), not talking to others about the situation (when unnecessary), focusing on what Jesus did (remembering you were His enemy), and praying for them again.
  2. In your journal, write a prayer of decision to love by faith any person you are struggling to love. Remember, you only control your half of the equation, but God is watching. It’s God who we long to please. He will reward your obedience with His love!
  3. Continue memorizing I John 2:17.





A. Read Psalm 16:7-11. Who is your source for joy and pleasure? For how long?

B. Read I John 2:12-14. Here John is assuring his readers of their salvation. This letter brings out some rigorous tests for believers, but our salvation is not dependent on how we do, rather it is based on the work of Christ period!

1. Make a list of all the different levels of Christian maturity that John writes about and what they have done.

a. Verse 12: Your sins have been forgiven on account of His name.

b. Verse 13:

c. Verse 14:

2. It’s as if he’s saying, “Because you know the truth of God’s Word; because you’ve received His grace by faith; because you are His, I can talk straight with you.” Listen to what he says next in I John 2:15-17. Rewrite this text in your own words.

a. What’s another sign of love for God?
b. What do you think it means to “love the world”?
c. What are some sure signs of loving the world that we see today?
d. What will happen to the world and all its desires?


Life Points . . .

  1. We hear these words, but do we really listen? Will you go before your Father and ask Him to point out ways in which you are “loving the world”? Talk through I John 2:16 with Him.
  2. Write out I John 2:17 in your journal. Ask God to plant His word deeply into your heart and mind.





A. Praise the Lord today using all of Psalm 16.

B. We’ve covered many topics this week. It can be difficult to absorb so much all at once. God will not rush you. He wants you to mature in His own time. He is completely patient. Read the short survey below, and then pick one area to concentrate on. Make it a prayer priority, speaking often to your Heavenly Father about it.

  1. Repentance means to turn and walk the other way. Are you honestly confessing and repenting of sin in your life? (I John 1:9)
  2. Are you allowing the Light to shine in you?
  3. Are you trying to hide anything from the Light? (I John 1:5)
  4. Is there someone who comes to mind when you hear the word hate? (I John 2:9-11)
  5. Are you sure of your salvation? (I John 2:12-14)
  6. Is your knowledge and love of God leading you to obedience more and more? (I John 2:3-6)
  7. Are you still trying to keep one foot in the world? (I John 2:15-17)


Life Points . . .


Write your questions and answers in your journal along with any thoughts you have concerning this area. Is God big enough to help you? You can bet your life on it! You belong to Him and He loves you completely. Entrust yourself to Him today.


Wrapping Up This Week…

Review this week’s lesson. Pray and ask God to identify one or more statements or Scriptures that He wants you to understand, learn, or practice. Underline them, then respond to the following questions.

  • What was the most meaningful statement or Scripture you read this week?
  • Pray that statement or Scripture to God.
  • What does God want you to do in response to this week’s study?


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