2013 SE Asia Fall Retreat | Retreating With My Best Friend

DSC01823Today’s Post written by Retreat Attendee, Bethany

I came all the way from South Sudan, Africa, for this particular conference. I never would have come were it not for my sweet friend, Nan, who works in Indonesia. She is one of my closet friends and we have gone through the ups and downs of life since college-but on opposite sides of the globe.

DSC01972About a month ago, she called me in Sudan to suggest this far fetched idea of me flying to Bali to go to the Thrive Retreat with her. I didn’t think it would be possible but God helped all the details come together.

For an added treat, Nan and I arrived at the hotel in Bali two nights early to enjoy some one-on-one time together before the conference. Now, as I pack to return home to Africa, I realize that the timing of this “Bali get-away” was perfect and exactly what I needed.

I will always treasure these five days in Bali where God met me in my place of need and gave me the gift of refreshment with my best friend!