Create in us a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within us. Restore to us the joy of Your salvation and grant us a willing spirit to sustain us (Psalm 51:10,12).

This is our prayer for Kelli and Julie along with the rest of the attendees. We pray protection for the attendees/volunteers and their families and ministries they’ve left behind. Grant them peace of mind and acute ability to focus.

We lift up the attendees who are young moms. Several have taken on the responsibility of homeschooling. Please grant them wisdom, insight, discipline and creativity as they strive for excellence. When there are learning disabilities, we ask for grace and breakthroughs. Lord, confirm to these young moms who are homeschooling that they are doing vital ministry at this point in their life. As parents try to discern the best schooling options, we ask that you give them wisdom and clarity.

Nicaragua, Central America’s largest and most sparsely country with many natural resources, is one of the poorest countries in the Americas. Its people have suffered from corruption, bad government, war and seemingly more than its fare share of natural disasters. We lift up to You the Evangelicals, roughly 25% of the population, who have a yeoman’s task before them as they develop ministries to address deep seated poverty, deal with powerful animosity between leftist and ultra-right groups and work out how to best use the resources the missionary community brings to the table. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

© 2013 Thrive.