The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The precepts of the Lord are right giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving life to the eyes. (Psalm 19:7-8)
Lord, we thank you that Peg Forrest is coming as our speaker to Tanzania. Her passion for the Word runs deep, along with her heart for women on the mission field. Father, would You please guide her every thought, guard her from distractions, help her focus, be self-disciplined and give her insights all the way up to the time and during her talks; grant her the gift of discernment to be extremely sensitive and responsive to Your Spirit’s guidance.
Lord, we lift up Ronnie, our worship leader. Music is a balm to our souls and connects us deeply with You. For those women who are exhausted and dry, may the music and words fall gently upon them and bring about new life. We pray for unity of the worship team. Lord, each time they direct the women, may it be empowered and blessed abundantly by Your Holy Spirit.
Our prayer is that each time Your Word is sung, prayed or taught at the retreats that it revive the ladies souls, give them joy in their hearts. Father, we also ask that you keep Peg and Ronnie healthy.
Lord, we praise you for the move of the Holy Spirit in many denominations in Tanzania, resulting in vigorous outreach, bold faith and vision for kingdom advancement. Thank you for the many Muslims that are coming to Christ. We pray for good leadership training, training facilities and for necessary funding. Thank you that the ministry among young people has been particularly encouraging, but we ask You to help them as they face the challenges of low employment prospects and the increasing exposure of Western influences. We lift up Zanzibar which has been used for centuries as the Arab base for African slave trade. We pray for the few believers there, may they be preserved and be effective as witnesses for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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