Today we pray for…

Volunteers: Elisabeth, Miriam, Jena, Nadine and Lynn

When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who watch over my way. (Psalm 142:3)

Lord, today we want to ask for Your special blessing for our volunteer counselors, prepare their hearts for the task awaiting them. Please lead them to connect quickly and deeply with the women; empower their listening, understanding, compassion, touch, and words. We pray that the women feel “safe” with them and are able to share their real issues quickly. We ask for wisdom, discernment, insight, and strength for the counselors, that they be highly sensitive and responsive to the leading of the Spirit. May the women  feel heard and loved; leave with hope, some healing, new insights, and resources. Let each encounter be glorifying to You.

Niger is one of the poorest nations in the world. This sub-Sahara African nation is extremely vulnerable to droughts and insect plagues. While there is a good degree of freedom, tensions are growing between Islam and Christianity. Though only in small numbers, the church is growing. Pray for its inroads amongst previously unreached people groups. This is not an easy country to live in so pray also for the stamina and perseverance of the cross-cultural work community. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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