Portraits of Kingdom Living – Lesson Eight

Noah: He Walked with God





A. Focus: Use Psalm 51 to guide your prayers this week. Using Psalm 51:1-6, praise God for His gift of forgiveness!

When is the last time you studied the portrait of Noah? Was it when you were a child? As you read it today, pay close attention to details you may have missed. We have a lot to learn from this righteous man.

B. Feed: Read Genesis 6:5-12, the introduction to the Flood story.


1. At first reading, what stands out to you about the Lord?

a. What does Psalm 14:1-2 say?

b. How did David describe this to his son Solomon in I Chronicles 28:9?


2. What did the Lord see when He looked on the earth? (Genesis 6)

a. Why was the Lord’s heart filled with pain?

b. Did you know man’s wickedness grieved the Lord so?


3. What did the Lord decide to do (v. 7)?

a. Who found favor in His sight? Why?

b. Verses 11 and 12 recap the reason for God’s judgment on the earth. What does the passage say?


4. As we get into the story of Noah, try and think of it a little differently than what looks obvious. It seems like the main purpose of the Flood is to show why God sent a flood. However, if you look hard you may find the main purpose is to show why God saved Noah. Look back at Genesis 5:21-24. Why did God save Enoch?


5. Read Genesis 6:13-22. What does God tell Noah in verse 13?

a. What does He instruct Noah to do? How specific are the instructions?

b. What was God’s plan according to verse 14?


6. What is God’s promise to Noah?

a. What was Noah to bring on the ark with him?

b. How did Noah respond to the instruction of the Lord?

c. How do you think verse 9 relates to verse 22?

d. How does this truth relate to Luke 16:10?


C. Fill: God saved Noah (and Enoch) because they walked with Him. They had faith in God and His provision for them. The sin of the people grieved God’s heart. Today, we live righteously by faith in God’s provision for us through the blood of Jesus Christ. However, we still have the capacity to grieve God by our sin. (See Ephesians 4:30.) Have you ever thought about that? It’s easy to take our forgiveness for granted, and not realize it still grieves God. Discuss this fact with the Lord, and ask Him to point out any area where you may be causing Him pain.

D. Follow: Begin memorizing Psalm 63:6.





A. Focus: Psalm 51:7-10

B. Feed: Read Genesis 7:1-5. Noah had finished building the ark, and now God reveals the next step in His plan.


1. What does He say in verse 1?


2. What was Noah to take with him?

a. How much time did he have to gather the animals?

b. What was God’s requirement for the animals?

c. What did God say to Noah in Genesis 6:19? (Keep this in mind as the story progresses.)

d. How was God planning to destroy every living creature on the earth?

e. What does Genesis 7:5 say?

f. We heard the same statement in Genesis 6:22. How do you think obedience relates to ‘walking with God’? Does it ever say Noah was sinless and perfect?


3. Read Genesis 7:6-24.

a. Describe how the flood took place. (vv. 11-12)

b. How did Noah gather the animals?

c. Who shut the door of the ark?

d. Describe what took place those 40 days and nights.


4. When you study Scripture, it is important to look for repeated phrases and ideas. These communicate themes and principles. What is repeated four times from the following verses in Genesis: 7:9, 16; 7:5; 6:22?

a. Why was Noah saved?

b. Noah was obedient to what the Lord said. He had faith in the promise of God to save him if he entered the ark. How many times do you find it says that Noah and his family entered the ark?

c. Keep in mind that Noah had never seen rain before in his life. The whole thing did not make any sense from the human experiential viewpoint. How does he demonstrate walking by faith and not sight?


C. Fill: Noah was saved by faith in the promise of God to save him. We are saved the same way. Take a few moments and ponder this whole event. Can you imagine it? What would the ark have been like? (What would it have smelled like?) What do you think the living quarters were like? Can you imagine living that way with all your in-laws? Noah and his family lived that way for one year! Talk to God about this event, and thank Him for the way He provided for you to be saved.

D. Follow: In your journal, write down anything you want to remember from the life of Noah so far. Keep memorizing Psalm 63:6.





A. Focus: Psalm 51:11-15

B. Feed: Read Genesis 8:1-14.


1. How long had Noah and his family been on the ark when God ‘remembered’ them?

a. Does it appear that there was any communication from God to Noah during the time of the storm?

b. How did Noah test to see if it was safe to depart from the ark?

c. When was the ark finally dry?


2. Read Genesis 8:15-19.

a. When did Noah leave the ark?

b. Would you describe Noah as a patient man? If yes, what are some examples of his patience from this story?


3. What do the following verses teach us about patience?

a. Ecclesiastes 7:8

b. Lamentations 3:26

c. Psalm 37:7

d. Ephesians 4:2

e. Colossians 3:12

f. Romans 8:25

g. Romans 12:12

h. Romans 15:4

i. Hebrews 6:12

j. Hebrews 10:36

k. James 1:19

l. I Peter 2:19


The Bible says that Noah was blameless among his people. How does patience contribute to blamelessness in the eyes of others?


4. How are we able to exercise patience according to Galatians 5:16, 22?


5. How does patience testify to the power of God through faith in a person’s life?



C. Fill: Would those around you describe you as a patient person? What does patience prove in a person? Do you understand you can be a patient person through the power of the Holy Spirit? It all comes down to how you view the trial you are in. Do you trust that God is in control? Is it your desire to glorify Him? Pray through the verses from question B-#3 and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

D. Follow: Where do you struggle with patience the most? In your journal, write a prayer to God asking Him to help you in this area. Keep memorizing Psalm 63:6.





A. Focus: Psalm 51:16-19. What is pleasing to the Lord?

B. Feed: As we finish the story of the Flood, we get into the covenant that God alluded to when he chose Noah to be saved (Genesis 6:18). We could do a whole study on the covenant of God. It is very interesting, and testifies over and over to God’s grace toward mankind.

There are many similarities between what took place through the Flood and what took place in the garden, as well as what took place through the Flood. We see how God delivered the people of Israel from bondage to Egypt, including the 40 days and nights in the desert. Noah built an altar upon his deliverance, and so did the children of Israel. God is always at work restoring fellowship with man and bringing man back to Himself. As you read this account keep in mind that God wants fellowship with His children. The Bible says that God is kind and loving toward all He has made.


1. Read Genesis 8:20-9:17. Keep in mind that this happened before the law was given or recorded by God. God placed in the heart of man the need to be cleansed, and blood has always been the offering that was acceptable to God.

a. Does man have a choice whether he is sinful or not? What does Psalm 51:5 say? How about 58:3?

b. Noah wanted to worship God because he knew it was God’s grace that saved him. The altar was a symbol of worship. Noah’s worship was pleasing to God. How does God respond to Noah in verse 21?

c. How does Noah’s faith and obedience benefit us? (v. 22)

d. How did the Lord bless Noah and his family?


2. What covenant did God give to Noah and his sons? And, what was to be the sign of this covenant?


3. Think about the similarities between the story of Noah and the flood, and our own redemption story through Jesus Christ. The flood was God’s judgment on the earth for man’s wickedness. Noah was saved through obedience to God’s word, and stepping into the ark. The Bible promises that God will again judge the earth. What has He provided for us? (See Romans 3:23-24.) What other similarities do you see?


4. Think about these words spoken by Oswald Chambers:

Sin is something I am born with and cannot touch–only God touches sin through redemption. It is through the Cross of Christ that God redeemed the entire human race from the possibility of damnation through the heredity of sin. God nowhere holds a person responsible for having the heredity of sin, and does not condemn anyone because of it. Condemnation comes when I realize that Jesus Christ came to deliver me from this heredity of sin, and yet I refuse to let Him do so.

What does John 3:19 say? Write down your thoughts.


C. Fill: The rainbow testifies of God’s promise to never destroy all living creatures again. It can also be a reminder to us of God’s promise not to judge or condemn those of us who have trusted Jesus Christ as our Savior. When is the last time you expressed worship to the Lord for the way in which He saved you? Is your worship pleasing to Him? Will you take some time now and kneel before Him in praise for His grace to you? Ask Him to teach you how to worship Him in a way that is pleasing to Him.

D. Follow: Again, record any truth you want to remember from your study of Noah and the Flood. Review your memory verses from Psalm 63:1-6.





This is the condemnation, that Light has come into the world, and

men loved darkness rather than the Light . . . .

John 3:19


Jesus said that we build a strong foundation as we put His word into practice (Matthew 7:24). This part of the lesson is a little more abstract than days 1-4. There are no right or wrong answers. The goal of this day is to solidify in your mind and heart what you are learning from God’s word.


A. Focus:

1. Look back over your lesson for this week. For each day’s lesson, write one or two key points:

Day 1:


Day 2:


Day 3:


Day 4:


2. What verses seem to stand out to you from your study?


3. Why did you pick these verses?


4. What is one lesson or principle you want to remember from your study?


5. How will you apply this lesson to your everyday life?


B. Summary: Noah’s Portrait of Kingdom Living

  • What did Noah’s life teach you about living with the Kingdom of God as your primary concern?
  • Conclude this lesson by discussing what you’ve written above with your Father.
  • Write out your memory verse(s).


Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in

Christ Jesus, because the law of the Spirit of Life set me

free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:1

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