Global Woman Highlight | Carrie Anne Hudson

My name is Carrie Anne Hudson. I am a daughter of a King, mother of 5, wife of 1, and author of Redefining Home: Squatty Potties, Split Pants, and Other Things that Divide my World. My hope is that it would remind us to laugh at ourselves and remain steady in our calling.

We are currently teaching and training East Asian leaders. I have 5 kids, 4 birthed and one brought into our family from Ethiopia. They have all done local school for half the day and I homeschool them in the afternoon. On the occasion that I find a spare brain cell, we have the privilege of partnering with a local orphanage in doing parties, house-parent training, and English camps. I love connecting with women globally to encourage all of us to not grow weary in doing good.

We have been in East Asia for 9 years now. My kids eat cake with chopsticks. That pretty much summarizes their TCK lives.

In January, I was hit with the heavy reality that I need to learn how to lose control. This is going to require an extra portion of the Holy Spirit for me. As I write, we are stuck in another country, unable to get visas to go home. I want stamina to my peace and joy in these situations that are teaching me that I’m not in control.


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