I am Kelli Frealy, wife of Jason and mom to Daniela, Nicholas, and Michael. Jason and I are Partnership Connectors for Central Argentina. Basically, we look for an area with a need for a new work and an Argentine church willing to take it on, then partner them with an American church willing to send 3-5 teams a year for 3-5 years. We want to see Argentine churches and American churches working side-by-side in evangelism, community relations, discipleship, etc. to start new churches. Ultimately, our goal is to see new believers and new churches! We live in Córdoba, Argentina’s second-largest city, and we work in areas where we can identify needs and opportunities. Currently, we are looking for partners in Catamarca, La Rioja, and Villa María.

Please pray for our family to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray with us for U.S. partners to come alongside our Argentine partners working in Catamarca, La Rioja, and Villa María.


©2014 Thrive.