The 80 global workers that the volunteers interacted with in Bali were adaptable, adventurous, authentic, bold, called, change-oriented, committed, determined, enterprising, experienced, gifted as well as vulnerable.  The many prayers that covered them during the 30 Days of Prayer were a tremendous  venue of blessings at a heart/soul level.  Let me share with you a quote from one of the attendees that captures the prayer’s power.

Dear Praying Co-laborer,

Thank you for your intercession for me.  The first evening of the retreat, Lori shared how there were people praying for us each by name, leading up to and during the retreat.

Immediately in my spirit there was an “Aha moment”.  There is no way to adequately express the many things that had to be completed, set in place, ‘ducks’ lined-up, before attending.  A major project however and one that has caused the greatest amount of spiritual warfare however has to do with the translation of a prayer-tool, “Pray the Word” into six languages.  About ten days before heading to Bali, suddenly doors started to open right and left: a Japanese editor coming forward volunteering to help, a Thai administrator suddenly in between jobs and volunteering to work endless hours with final edits and numerous other things falling into place.  It was as if a dam had broken and the blessing of God was released.

In Bangkok we have faced and face almost daily a “heaviness” or spiritual “full court press” as I often call it.  I believe your added prayers were what was needed to push back darkness and make a way for the purposes of God.

Thank you for being faithful to what is unseen and eternal, for your commitment to the harvest and most important work- that of prayer.

Eternity will reveal the full impact of your prayers, but I wanted you to know that I experienced first hand the fruit of your ministry before I even arrived in Bali, and so much more at the retreat.

God has met me, refreshed me, and encouraged me.  Thank you for praying into His work in my life.


Ty King, Serving in Bangkok,  Thailand


Thank you for investing in eternity in and through these ladies’ lives.

Debbie Suits

Author of the 30 Days of Prayer


© 2013 Thrive