We began this morning with worship and teaching from Susan Sutton, our amazing retreat speaker. She began her talk discussing what home is and how we, as believers, find it. She discussed the ways that it can be hard to know what “home” is as a cross cultural worker and how we can only truly find our home in Jesus.
She shared a quote from Catherine of Siena to guide us, “Make two homes for yourself, my daughter. One actual home and another spiritual home to carry with you always.” What powerful words reminding us that it is ok to set up a home wherever we are planted as long as we remember that our ultimate home is not in our passport country or country of service. It is in our Father’s house.
Following the morning activities many of the attendees gathered this afternoon for a workshop on Grief & Loss. They revisited the topic of grieving the loss of a permanent “home address” among other griefs and losses as they moved through the workshop with lead counselor Dr. Elisabeth Suarez.
While these griefs and questions may not be wrapped up or quickly resolved, for these few days we’ve settled into a home away from home at the retreat resort. Here attendees have the opportunity to soak in the love of the Father and the fellowship of His daughters in powerful and profound ways even as they process the complexities of not always knowing where to call home.
Would you join us in prayer as we lift up those who are struggling with a lack of feeling settled? May we all strive to find comfort in knowing our ultimate and truest address.
©2017 Thrive