Today we pray for…

Attendees: Joylynn, Lynda, Sarah A., and Tonya


Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love… May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us. Psalm 91:12, 14, 17


Lord Jesus, rekindle belief and experience of this verse in attendees’ lives. Help them continue to learn to embrace the regular interruptions of life, the unexpected changes to plans, and the small moments of grace as coming through the hand of God. We pray that they will be reminded daily of Your presence, and that they will extend the grace, patience, and joy that He so generously gives them.

Effective time management is not easy to maintain, yet is something that each of these women desire. Holy Spirit would You wake them in the morning with a sense of Your love, and lead them through the day (diapers, shopping, cleaning, studying, traveling, hosting, teaching) with a heart of wisdom. Through the mundane, establish Your work and may joy be part of the process. Help them balance and care for themselves spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Father, do all You desire in them, and guard their minds and hearts as they return home. Please protect both those returning home and those arriving tomorrow. We ask for supernatural renewed energy for the volunteers as they have a small break before welcoming the second group of attendees.

Botswana, a country of 2,100,00 population is located just north of South Africa. The Kalahari Desert covers 80% of Botswana, where living through droughts is a constant theme. The average life expectancy is 39 years, down from 70 a couple of decades ago. Like many of its neighbors, sex trafficking and forced labor plagues Botswana as well as AIDS. One study claims that it has the world’s second highest HIV infection rate, funerals have tragically become the dominant social gathering in many communities. Pray that the churches and their leadership would challenge believers to live out a life of integrity and be courageous in reaching out to so many who find themselves chained to a destructive cycle.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


©2016 Thrive.