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Nourishment | 2018 Colorado Retreat

Every living thing needs nourishment in order to grow, bloom, and thrive.


The women who come to the Thrive retreats as attendees are in need of nourishment in all areas of their lives. As one volunteer said, “We want to minister to these women from the tops of their heads to the tips of their toes.”


During the teaching time this morning, our speaker Linda Dillow used God’s Word to nourish weary hearts and minds by encouraging the women to make a choice against worry by leaning on God with a steadfast mind.


At lunch, not only were the women’s bodies nourished with good food prepared by the hotel staff, but their heart concerns were addressed through table discussions on various subjects. Topics revolving around raising children, loneliness, and other issues they faced were talked about with like-minded new friends.


In the pedicure room, there was lots of noisy chatter as pairs of women talked about stages of life and ministry. As volunteers nourished the women’s feet with soaking, massaging, lotion, and polish, the women were given a chance to relax and focus on themselves… something they rarely have the chance to do.


The clothing boutique offered opportunities for volunteers to nourish the women’s self confidence as they lovingly and excitedly helped choose outfits and accessories to fit their various lifestyles and needs. One attendee stated, “I don’t ever like shopping for myself, but the volunteers made it so fun! They just ran around picking outfits for me. I chose things I would never have had the confidence to try.”


The bookstore is a favorite since the women are able to browse and choose several books which will offer nourishment to their hearts, minds, and souls. These books are gifts they can take with them and a way that Thrive can continue to nourish them in days to come.


By giving the women opportunities to make personal choices while on the retreat, whether it be a counseling session or a new haircut, Thrive communicates to each attendee that every part of her is valuable and beautiful. And because God is such a good and loving Father, He nourishes each volunteer’s heart and soul as He allows her to serve His global workers in such personal and tangible ways.


©2018 Thrive