You can possibly guess where I work based on the photo above. We’ve worked in Central Asia for 12 years. Overseas work has higher highs and lower lows than staying in your passport country, that’s for sure!

I’d definitely say the privilege of being on the edges of the kingdom are my highest high! I love knowing that I’m very often a person’s first contact with a Jesus follower. I’m honored to clear up some misconceptions and show his love and mercy.

The lows include the feeling of being very nearly the only one in the area representing Christ to millions of lost and apathetic people and not many names to combat the lie that no one wants to know Him.

Pray for those like us in places with little fellowship, few visible results, and stressful living situations. Pray that the brilliance of His love and mercy would shine out from us in this dark place. Pray for our five TCKs to feel loved, cared for, and understood.


©2017 Thrive.