Prepare HIM room—

Because when He fills your room,

His DWELLING pushes out the darkness.

His present JOY dispels the sadness and tears.

His COMFORT removes all anxieties.

His POWER overcomes your exhaustion.

His REFUGE becomes your hope—


Rejoice in our LORD!


We have twice spent Christmas overseas, and once back in the United States, back where we WERE from, back where family and friends reside.

I can easily say the expected: that Christmas in the United States was beautiful and festive; full of quality time, joy, laughter, family, and friends; and complete with ham, gingerbread, candles, evergreens, ornaments, and wine—and all of that would be perfectly true.

However, there is much more which I found to be—well, too true.

I have found that I simply love all the trappings of Christmas. I love the way it brings family together for such festive celebration. I just like Christmas when it is super Christmassy: with music, fires glowing, sweaters, stockings, decorations, and most definitely, all the food.

What I missed when we spent Christmas in the United States, was the fulfilling, peaceful joy of actually celebrating Christ. I missed how, when you are living far, far away from relatives during Christmas, your time slows down because events are not occurring at such a wild pace. The time is open and therefore available to dwell on Him. We had time for advents, due to the fact that we were living in our own house, in our own routine, and in our own ways, rather than bunking up at grandparents’ and cousins’ houses (as fun and amazing as sleepovers are). We had time for Christmas stories and reading about the birth of Jesus, because our time was not divided among family gatherings, shopping, and traveling with four kids and suitcases.

The Christmas we spent in the United States meant it was a Christmas that our home did not experience our own Christmas tree, stockings, evergreen-scented candles, and TV fireplace with holiday music for all of December. Consequently, I felt our home miss out on an energy boost that is a necessity for the new year—as crazy as that sounds. Most of all, what did not happen in our home that year was our personal family Christmas. It did not happen, period. Although I want my kids to experience Christmas with cousins and grandparents, I do not want it to replace our time as a family celebrating God’s greatest gift to us, and that is what we let happen. It was a loss, and I grieved the losses of that Christmas when we got home, despite the beautiful blessings.

So where has my heart settled when I am thinking of being “Home for the Holidays”? For me, with a husband and four kids, it has settled into where we always are. Where everyday life is spent. In our home. With all the decor and food. Most importantly, with all our hearts open for His dwelling. I know it cannot always be this way. Life is full of the unexpected. There will be plenty of times when we are not in our number-one choice of location for Christmas. Our minds change too. Although I am saying these things, and they ring true now, it could easily change.

ONE THING cannot change, and will not change, and that is realizing this unfailing truth: that you will find yourself “Home for the Holidays” when you:


Prepare HIM room—

Because when He fills your room,

His DWELLING pushes out the darkness.

His present JOY dispels the sadness and tears.

His COMFORT removes all anxieties.

His POWER overcomes your exhaustion.

His REFUGE becomes your hope,


Rejoice in our LORD!


Wherever you are this Christmas, do not miss out on Him. He is your Refuge, your Joy and Comfort. He is “HOME” for the HOLIDAYS.


Question to consider: How are you “preparing Him room” this Christmas?


©2016 Thrive.