My name is Melissa and I have been working with university students around the U.S. and the world for the last five years. I have enjoyed growing in my understanding of different cultures, traveling to new countries, and experiencing the heart of God through meeting people around the world.

I currently live in Fort Worth, TX working for Cru, a global organization that shares the Gospel with university students around the U.S. and the world. I am co-leading a staff team of twelve and helping to shepherd the seven women on our team. I help to mobilize students to take the Gospel to every sector of society, as well as lead short-term trips to countries across the globe.

I have seen God at work through our staff team as we reach out to students on multiple college campuses in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We have had opportunities to share the Gospel with international students, as well as students in various pockets of the university.

Please pray for our staff team as we seek to reach every student on every campus in our scope. We hope to see Christ-centered students sent out into the world wherever God may call them to reach people for Christ. Pray that our team will love Christ above all and that our ministry will come from a direct overflow of our personal relationship with Him. Please pray for me to keep my eyes on Christ and that I will lead others to do so also.



©2016 Thrive.