Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29
The story behind this photo goes untold.
We will take this opportunity to ask you to keep ’em coming!
We have 40 more slots to fill for Picture Praise in 2016.
We need your great global shots and verses.
We’re inviting all women serving cross-culturally to participate in submitting their photography and verses to be considered for use for Picture Praise this year.
Picture Praise is published weekly and has become one of our most inspirational publications. This is an opportunity to put your life on the field and the people you serve in front of many believers. Oftentimes it is an initiator for prayer to those who view it.
We’d love to see your corner of the world and the people who live there…so please consider submitting your photo (jpeg) and verse (not on the photo) to: info@thriveministry.org.
©2016 Thrive.