Global Woman Highlight | Dorothy Reid

Hi, my name is Dorothy Reid.

One evening while attending a small church in Ontario, Canada, the pastor gave a message called “Getting God’s God-sized Dream and Running with It.”  I began to pray and ask the Lord, “What is your dream for my life that only You could do?”  His answer was “that hundreds and thousands of boys and girls would hear the Good News,” and in October twelve years ago He led me to Romania to join Him full-time in what He is doing in this beautiful country!

My early years were spent among the Transylvania mountains living up in a small village ministering to children and youth.  Then an invitation came to move to Oltenia county in the southern part of Romania to work with a team of global workers under the leadership of a Romanian Baptist pastor.  My role on the team is children’s ministry coordinator.  It is a joy to work with the children and children’s workers in this region.  I also have the privilege of serving widows and shut-ins through monthly visits and delivering groceries.  They love it when the children from our clubs come along and the children enthusiastically prepare songs and crafts to take them.

Romania is overrun with dogs and one surprising way God has opened doors to relationships with neighbors in my building and people in the community has come about as a result of rescuing abandoned puppies and later helping them find homes.

Some prayer requests are:

  • that hundreds and thousands of boys and girls in Romania would hear the Good News
  • for new clubs and a safe place for children to meet
  • that God would provide loving, dedicated workers
  • that the widows would not die until they have had a chance to hear and clearly understand the gospel at least once
  • that I would delight to do Christ’s will all the time, not just when it is comfortable or convenient
  • for wisdom in how to disciple children outside club time and how to encourage the workers.


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