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Global Woman Highlight | Karen Block

I am a Canadian living in Thailand. I am an MK (India & Ethiopia). I’m a daughter of the King. I am a sister. I am an aunt to a niece and two nephews – via my brother and lovely sister-in-law – and to numerous nieces and nephews by “adoption” (kids of close friends – both on the field and at “home”). I’m an artist. I’m a retreat leader. I am Beloved. I am a cook. I love dark chocolate, the colour purple, jazz, and worshiping God.

My current role is Member Care provider for an SIL entity in Asia and a Care Provider at a member care/counseling center. As such, I seek to pass on God’s invitation to enter into his hospitality by leading contemplative retreats (some that focus on using art – painting, collage, etc. – as a way to respond to and communicate with God), offering spiritual direction, by debriefing for wellness check ups and crisis situations, by offering the gift of listening, and by linking my colleagues with other resources as needed. I travel to visit colleagues in the countries this entity serves.

I long to hear each colleague and friend say, “I am like an olive tree thriving in the house of the Lord” (Psalm 52:8). To thrive, an olive tree needs certain key things: water, sunshine, nutrients, pruning, and care from the Gardener, cross fertilization, etc., it also needs times/seasons of rest. I see God’s children thriving when they are able to accept his invitation – to return home, to find rest and quiet, to let the trust gifted to us grow and deepen, as well as, to go out to the ends of the earth and make disciples.

You can pray – as I continue to recover from burnout/depression – that I would choose to engage in that which fills me up  and replenishes my reserves. Pray that I would daily seek to walk closely with my God. Pray I would accept God’s invitation to returning and rest, quietness, and trust (Isaiah 30:15). Pray for those I seek to journey alongside of: that I might be able to extend to them, in ways they can recognize and accept, the hospitality I’ve received from God, that I might be an encouragement on their journey, and that the depth of community we are able to engage in as we walk together is renewing and holy.


©2015 Thrive.