Global Woman Highlight | Jillian Rogers

Hi friends! My name is Jillian Rogers, and my family and I have called Southern Asia our home since 2011. My husband Mel and I moved our two kids, ages three and four at the time, as far away from their grandparents as possible for only one reason. We believe that it is a basic human right for all people to have the opportunity to hear of God’s great love for them.

Together with my husband, I direct a rescue home for young girls whose mothers work in brothels. These precious little girls were born into the oppression and destitution inherent in the sex industry. Now, because of “Akhi’s Place,” they have a different story. Every day I have the blessing of watching them revel in the freedom they’ve found as their bodies, souls, and spirits are lovingly cared for and protected. In the near future, my husband and I will be launching “The Refuge” as a holistic alternative for the mothers entrapped in exploitation and prostitution. We can’t wait to open this long-term shelter, vocational training program, and counseling center in our capital city.

I humbly ask for your prayers that my life would continue to bear much fruit. I don’t live in an easy place, but there is an overwhelming supply of grace and mercy for each new day.

  • Please pray for continued language proficiency as I minister to women and young children who have been abused and exploited. Join me in believing for their total restoration in all areas.
  • Please pray for my children in the chaotic transitions that this global life inevitably brings to them.
  • Finally, I ask you to pray with me for wisdom, discernment, and the power of God to permeate every decision and interaction, both on and off the field.


I’d love to connect with you. You can find me tweeting from @JRogersinAsia and writing on my blog at


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