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I’m April Markley and I hail from South Boston (Southie), Massachusetts.  Looking at my life as a child, tribal ministry would have been the last thing in the world anyone would have pegged me for.  Sure, I grew up in a wild jungle, where the night time noises were eerie and the natives were always restless, but little did I know that this first stop in my life’s journey was only preparation for the greater wildness to come!

The Lord captivated my heart as a young teen and quickly turned my life upside down!  He gave me the desire to move to a place where I would daily see God doing God-sized things.  My family works as church planters/translators in a remote tribe in Papua New Guinea.  Where the people once worshiped spirit ancestors and hand- made idols, they are now calling on the name of the Lord and learning how to trust Him for all their needs.  God is doing God-sized things in this place!

We are about to enter our one year home assignment, so please pray that our family would transition well and be an encouragement to our supporters and effective tools as we seek to raise awareness for tribal ministry.  Please also be praying for wisdom, creativity, and energy as we seek to disciple the young believers back in the tribe.  We have two teenage boys and an 8 year old girl.  Would you please pray specifically that the Lord would give us clear guidance to understand the needs our teens will have and how best to meet them in a third world country?  And most of all, pray that I would have a humble, hungry and hearing heart before my Lord.


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