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2014 Fall Tanzania Retreat | Thrive “Gets It”

I had never heard of Thrive until just recently, and I am so blessed that the Lord brought me to this retreat during this season of my life.

I have been in full-time service for over 15 years. Africa is not an easy place but it is where God called me and it is now my home. I came to the field single and then, almost nine years ago, married my husband, a pastor from South Sudan.

I wear many hats – as most women do – and don’t have much opportunity to do things for myself. After the past few days at this retreat, I can say wholeheartedly that Thrive truly understands global women. They realize that our roles on the field are filled with so much more than “being a global worker.” Most of us know that our first calling is to our children and husbands, but there always seems to be the constant pressure from ourselves to be “doing” so much more.

I “should” be teaching more women’s bible studies, I “need” to be discipling more girls, I “have to” support my husbands role in [fill in the blank]: pastoring a church, running a Bible school, etc. The list can go on and on. God never intended us to do that to ourselves.

What I found at THRiVE is that they really “get it.” I appreciated that they made space in the conference for us to connect with other ladies to share our experiences and struggles and to see that we are not alone.

Our wonderful speaker, Peg Forrest, was just like us, having lived and served on the field and pressuring herself to do it all. She spoke to us this morning about intimacy with Christ, our definition of it and how we find it. It was beautiful as we shared our struggles and victories toward finding that sweet intimacy. She shared with us six “S’s” that help: 1. Solitude 2. Silence (be Still) 3. Simplicity 4, Searching (gaze intently on Jesus) 5, Suffering and 6. Surrender.

Surrender it all to the One who adores you and accept His invitation to contentment. It is the place we are longing to be anyway!

Thank you Thrive – for understanding where my heart was when I came and taking such great care to lovingly minister to me and my sisters in Christ. May God bless all the volunteers both here and behind the scenes, in Jesus’ name.

by Vicky Vule | Retreat Attendee

©2014 Thrive