We want to keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give these ladies the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that they may KNOW him better.  We pray also that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened in order that they may know the HOPE to which he has called them, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great POWER for them who believe. (Ephesians 1:17-19)

Attendees: Vicki, Bridget, Allison and Kelly

Many of the attendees home school their children. Juggling multiple ages, various learning styles, some learning disabilities, while having the cultural need to be hospitable and available, is a daunting task. BALANCE between family and ministry roles is a continual area of tension.  Father, grant them an abundance of grace, humor, wisdom, perseverance and strength.  We pray that the kids are instilled with a love of learning, that will carry over the gaps that may occur in the curriculum being completed.

Several of the women have recently returned (many tired as it was a whirlwind!) or are going to the US for their Stateside assignment – both are transition earthquakes. Often while in the States the families are living with extended family, and although being with family is nice, living with family can produce added stress.  Lord, go before each family and provide for their needs in ways that they know You care. We ask that you surprise them with some ‘alone’ time. Financial partner development is never fun, but open doors of opportunity that unexpectedly blesses both parties in expanding your Kingdom.

Many of the women are in transit to the hotel, and safe travel is DEFINITELY not a given in Africa, so please bring each woman safely and on time (not because we are finicky, but so that they enjoy the entire experience!). In Jesus’ name, Amen.


©2014 Thrive.