Global Woman Highlight | Jean Baumbach

I’ve been a global woman with SIM in Niger Republic since 1983. I started working as a nurse in our hospital. After 7 years at the hospital, I switched over to Bible translation and work with the nomadic Fulani people. I have two full-time co-translators and another man works with us part-time. We are now finishing the New Testament and hope to publish it next year. Since 1990 I have moved between 2 towns in Niger: Tahoua, farther to the north of the country and Maradi located in the south central part of Niger.

I’d appreciate prayer for my six-month furlough, particularly for a good balance between time visiting supporters and spending time at home. Please pray for my Mom’s health. Please pray for all the final checks and for the publication of the New Testament next year. Thanks so much.


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