Don’t be afraid for I have ransomed you.  I have called you by name; you are mine.  When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown…For I am the Lord your God…you are precious to me….and I love you. (Isaiah 43:1-4)

Attendees:  Ann, Michelle and Rebekah

We ask You, Lord, that each woman will receive a confirmation from You that You love her in an intensely personal way; may she hear a song, a word, receive a gift, a special beauty tip, haircut, or touch during a massage that will be unique to her needs.

Father, we ask You to give these ladies strength and endurance from the sheer exhaustion that comes from working in physically difficult countries—the heat, the sometimes primitive conditions and disease. So many of the basics of life that we take for granted are not available, or are difficult to obtain.  Stress frequently will show itself through physical and emotional illnesses. We ask that You give them insight in how to care for themselves. Many do not have good medical care. Lord, you know that malaria, parasites and other diseases are not uncommon and that their ramifications and side effects can be life-long. Please give them the grace and perseverance when it means living with pain and discomfort. Enable them to not live in fear. They need incredible wisdom and faith as these things affect their children and husbands.

Give them strength to fight the spiritual battles around them.  Witchcraft is prevalent in many areas.  Protect them from danger, while granting them an inner peace that You remain sovereign. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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