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My husband Lanny says I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. However, I think he’s biased, so let’s just say I’m an average middle-aged woman who has loved the Lord all of my life, walked with Jesus on many adventures in Africa and around the world, and am fully convinced that I am a daughter of the King of kings.

I began my time with Africa Inland Mission as a single nurse in my early 20s, starting in Kenya, eventually moving to Chad, where I thought I’d spend my life. But surprisingly, I met my husband, and we married in 1995 and began working together in partnership with AIM. As Lanny has been in leadership of AIM, most recently as International Director, I have tried to support him in his role in many ways–traveling with him, helping in the office, providing hospitality, helping with administration–but also have had my own roles.

The past 12 years we have lived in Bristol, England, where AIM’s International office is located. I became the Language Acquisition Consultant, providing training and resources so that all of our members had the opportunity and training to learn the local language and culture. That was a wonderful role, where I felt like I was involved in reaching the unreached, as we prepared teams to live amongst people groups all over Africa. My second role came in the past few years, as we sought to increase distribution of prayer material for the unreached people groups in Africa. A website was launched, with those working amongst the unreached posting regular prayer prompts.

We are now settling in Colorado, and will be retiring from AIM at the end of 2014. My husband, who grew up in Africa, has never lived in the US for an extended time, and I’ve spent my adult life internationally. So we are trying to learn how to live Kingdom lives here, getting involved in some missional activities and church plants, and simply enjoying being near our family. My goal in life is to always live in an awareness of the presence of God–so we want to enjoy the good things He must love throwing at us, and walk steadily in faith if the days get dark. I appreciate prayer that we would be authentic Jesus followers, and not get caught up in the values and customs that are not consistent with what He would want us to embrace.


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