Recently, a volcanic eruption shook our world here in Asia Pacific. The sight of masks and a thick layer of itchy ash consumed our town for several days, as we prayed for rain and cleaned up as best we could. We remembered those who lived closer—who faced not only dirty streets, but destroyed homes and lost loved ones. The threat of natural disaster here is very real, but more real is the need for all who live here to know the One who holds the mountains in His hands. The One who hears their cries and understands their hurts. The One who spared so many lives in the midst of it all, protecting many from the worst of the volcano’s fury. The One who, just a few days later, sent the cleansing rain that helped to wipe away the remnants of disaster. We pray that God would use this tragedy as a picture of His grace that will awaken hearts and make His name known in this corner of the world.


©2014 Thrive.