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Introducing Leigh – A blog post for Thrive Advocates

Leigh Pete is a retreat coordinator with Thrive and I’ve asked that she introduce herself to us-the volunteer team. The up-coming Middle East Retreat will be her first exposure to our wonderful volunteer team!

Leigh Pete 2I was born in New Jersey but spent most of my life near Tampa, Florida. I was raised in a loving but void-of-God home. My spiritual influences came in the form of a God-fearing Grandmother with a servant heart and exposure to the college-aged Christian workers of the SummerShine ministry each summer in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. God showed Himself to me in very personal way through the love of His followers. I came to know Him personally the summer I turned 14 and learned to lean on Him as the one who could take away the deep fears I experienced as a child. 

January 2012, after a difficult year, God called my husband and I to Uganda with the very clear purpose of loving on His children there. This trip expanded my worldview, introduced me to the true life realities of a special woman who serves there, and forever changed my heart. The year following this trip, I struggled with a desire God placed in me to align my heart with my occupation. I am solely supporting my husband as he is completes medical school and did not feel that left me with a lot of options. In the summer of 2013 God made it extremely clear that He was asking me to step out in faith and obey. I did so, resigning from my position and trusting in Him for where to go next. God perfectly orchestrated every detail of the next couple months – leading me clearly and directly to Thrive. I have been so greatly blessed since and am beyond thankful to be able to work for this ministry.

I am married to my high school sweetheart, Mike and I have a sweet yellow lab named Summit. We enjoy hiking, traveling, and trying new culinary experiences together. I have a background in Graphic Design and Photography and freelance both in addition to my work at Thrive. 


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