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2013 SE Asia Retreat | Caring for Us Spiritually-Caring for us Physically

DSC01606Today’s Post written by retreat attendee, Miriam

Not long ago, I walked into yet another small hair salon in Indonesia hoping yet again that this lady would understand my broken language attempts…and my hair. I’ve lived in asia for fourteen years but I’m new to Indonesia and my language abilities are limited. Honestly, I have had it with my hair and it desperately needed a cut–hopefully a good cut!

DSC01593I began explaining to the hair dresser what my usual hair habits were.  I never blow dry my hair, preferring to let it air dry. I began the sentence, “I never…” and hung for a second as my mind raced to find the words, “blow dry my hair.” In that second, the sweet smiling hairdresser jumped in with the words, “comb your hair.” So, she thought the sentence should be, “I never comb my hair!?!” Those weren’t the words I was looking for, but obviously that’s what it looked like to her! Exploding with laugher in my mind, I sat down on her chair and surrendered myself once again to a fair to poor haircut….

What a delightful service provided by Thrive to not only come and minister to us global women spiritually, but also physically. The Lord worked in my heart to renew my walk with Him, and thanks to a GREAT haircut, I no longer look like I don’t comb my hair.