Psalm 146 begins and ends with “praise the Lord.” Though the writer of this psalm is unknown, he demonstrates a deep and intimate knowledge of God.
1. Read Psalm 146. How did the psalmist display wholehearted devotion to God in verses 1 and 2?
2. According to verses 3-4, who is untrustworthy and why?
3. Why is trust in a mere man, government, or spiritual leaders misplaced? How does trusting in man lead us to think we are “entitled” to certain help or advantages? Whom do you trust completely?
4. Read Prov. 3:5-8. People often have a problem with trusting God. In whom do we tend to put our trust? What actions demonstrate that we are trusting in the Lord?
5. According to Prov. 3:5-8, what is promised to those who trust in the Lord?
6. Why do you think that your physical health will be affected by wholeheartedly trusting in the Lord moment-by-moment?
7. According to Psa. 146:5-6, who are blessed and why? How does the psalmist verify that God can be trusted to help? Explain.
8. God’s help, through hope in Him, is found throughout the Psalms. Read Psa. 18:6, Psa. 33:20, Psa. 46:1, and Psa. 119:147. In what characteristics of God did the writers put their hope? (Note: Webster’s dictionary defines hope as, “A desire of some good, accompanied with an expectation of obtaining it.” Hope occurs through faith in the promises of God. Hope is by faith (trust), because hope’s fulfillment may not come in the present, but in the future.)
“Praise him for His acts of power; praise Him for his
surpassing greatness.” Psa. 150:2
9. According to Psa. 146:7, how is God faithful to help believers who are exploited and demoralized? (Note: The Lord could certainly give physical food or physical freedom to a believer from prison, but this verse may be referring to spiritual food and spiritual freedom.) The following verses refer to God giving physical food: Psa 111:5; 132:15; 136:25; 145:15.
10. From Psa. 119:32 and 129:4, how was the psalmist set free? Note: “Cords” in Psa. 129:4 refer to “persecution.”)
11. How is the Lord gracious in Psa. 146:8? Why does the Lord help these believers? (Note: The words “bowed down” may mean “heavily burdened.”)
12. Have you ever felt “heavily burdened?” How do you think the Lord lifts up the oppressed?
13. According to Psa. 146:9, what does God do for the alien, the fatherless and the widow? To help with your answer, define “sustains”.
14. How do we include strangers, the fatherless, and widows in our service to glorify Him?
15. In contrast to God’s loving care to strangers, the fatherless and widows, what justice is doled out to the wicked? What do you think your answer means?
16. Reflect on Psa. 146. Are you safe and secure? Explain which part of this Psalm was an encouragement to you.
“Under heaven’s lock and key, we are protected by the most efficient security system available–the power of God. There is no way we will be lost in the process of suffering. No disorder, no disease, not even death itself can weaken or threaten God’s ultimate protection over our lives…”—Charles R. Swindoll
17, Psalm 146:10 ends in a celebration of praise. Write this verse from your heart, in your own words.
”The LORD reigns forever, your God, … for all generations. Praise the LORD.” Psa. 146:10
Come, Thou Almighty King
Come, thou Almighty King, Help us thy name to sing,
Help us to praise: Father! all glorious,
O’er all victorious, Come, and reign over us,
Ancient of Days.
To thee, great One in Three, The highest praises be,
Hence evermore; Thy sov’reign majesty
May we in glory see, And to eternity
Love and adore. Amen.1
Journal your thoughts and insights.
Thank you for joining with me in the study of God’s Word this year. May God bless you with an awareness of His constant presence, and use your service to glorify Him. Love in Christ, Bonnie
1 Hymn: Come, Thou Almighty King, Anonymous stanzas 1& 4
© Copyright 2005 Bonnie Lisech (Permission granted to copy for nonprofit use.) Scriptures are taken from the NIV unless noted. [email protected]
With special thanks to Jan Harris for editorial perspective and Barb Snyder for editorial detail.
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@2013 Thrive.