It’s always important in our lives to have a sense of commonality with others because it gives us a sense of belonging. As a TCK and former missionary, it was a big privilege to be among 50 ladies living in Latin America. I had a huge feeling of “this is who I am” and as I ministered to the ladies, they ministered to me. A mutual connection took place where both of us walked away saying “I get you; I get your struggles, your fears, your joys.” When we sit in a context that feels foreign, it is refreshing to find an oasis of belonging. – Christine D., Retreat Volunteer
I am always amazed at how quickly the women trust each other with their struggles and fears. During our small group times the ladies poured out their hearts to each other and were bathed in prayer and compassion. The Lord had me sit next to a women in small group that shared a mutual past experience of pain and we were able to process some of the teaching we were receiving through the same eyes. I was blessed to be a part of this community of believers. – Candace R., Retreat Volunteer