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Dear One in the sky and in my heart,

What is Your plan?

I would really like to know.

The thing is, it is hard work trusting You right now.

Why that is, I am not sure.

Probably because I am a tiny speck and I never really understand what is going on.

It is not like You have EVER failed us.


It is a funny thing, believing in what you do not see,

And yet seeing it all around AT THE SAME TIME.

You know about our curve ball,

The one that has us LEANING IN for comfort.

It is not a Major-League curve ball, more like Little-League…

But it changes some things.

I hate change and YET

When I look back, my FULLEST moments


Through CHANGE.

The births of them, the births of dreams…all the births and firsts that come from saying “YES.”

Saying YES.

It is so hard sometimes.

I am going to cry the whole way through this YES, even though it feels so true.

So right.


For the record,

I stand here in AWE of what YOU have done for us.

Tiny people. Blessed people.

When I look back on life,

My only regret so far is not saying YES more OFTEN.

And BTW,

“Thank You” is just not ever going to be enough.



P.S. Sorry for all the whining I do along the way.


© 2013 Thrive.


Questions to Consider: How do you lean into Him in the midst of change? What are some practical ways you cling to faith in the midst of “curve balls?”