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Through it all, You were there.

When I was a broken, misguided teenager, You were there…

Your arm wrapped around my sullen shoulders.

You drew me into Your glorious heart and transformed me.

And when I strayed, searching for a depth I hadn’t yet discovered—to be found only in You—

You were there, wanting to help, but giving me the freedom to fail.

When I harbored only anger, unforgiveness and ambition in my heart,

You were there beside me…waiting for me to find Your grace.

When I sought answers from the New Age, You were there…

Weeping with the knowledge of how far I was straying.

When I sought comfort in the arms of others, You were there…

Sitting patiently, knowing the end from the beginning—

and loving me through the middle.

When I came to the place where I knew my life was a hopeless shambles,

You were there, holding my sobbing face against your shoulder, encompassing me in Your love.

When I finally recognized I could go no further and that You were the Answer,

You were there, leaping and dancing around me,

Your joy turning my darkness into an incomprehensible light.

When I chased after You, Holy Spirit, You were there,

Responding with a continual outpouring of glory and truth…my Answer.

When I become disillusioned with people, you are here,

Reassuring me that my prayers for them are reaping answers.

When I become fed up and frustrated by my own dark heart, You are here,

leading me to the door of repentance and Your loving, forgiving embrace.

When I enthusiastically lunge forward, thinking I can be of some help to You,

You are here, joyfully lunging with me, keeping me from falling on my face,

And urging me to keep in step with You, the humble Servant.

You were there then and You are here now,

My Beloved, You are ever-present and ever-wonderful .

©2014 Thrive