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Following the cloud

Always moving on,

Following the cloud,

Egypt’s bondage gone.

Following the cloud

Toward the promised land.

Following the cloud

At the Lord’s command.


Oh Lord, I want to settle down,

Stay in this familiar place.

I want to order my own world,

Secure in my own space


But the cloud keeps on moving,

Stretching my heart.

The cloud keeps on moving.

Guess it’s time to start


Thought that this time I could stay,

Sink my roots down in the known.

They have been pulled up

many times,

Still fragile limbs have grown


Lord, others get to stay

And build their comfort here.

Others get to stay

Routines and family near

At hand.


But the cloud keeps on moving,

Stretching my heart.

The cloud keeps on moving.

Guess it’s time to start


The things once so badly wanted

They would just be baggage now

On this journey we have started

Their presence weigh me down.


I know.

All I really need to carry

Through dusty wilderness

Are your presence and your promise,

Your joy that I confess

Is real.

I know I have craved other food

Than the manna dawn found there,

Forgetting curse came with the quail

To those faithless in your care

And love.


And the cloud keeps on moving,

Stretching my heart.

The cloud keeps on moving.

Guess it’s time to start


Each has his road and each his cloud

To navigate our night.

I sometimes imagine others

Have an easier fight

Than I.


But mine is the road you’ve chosen

In love set before me.

Given me precious companions,

Taken distractions from me.

It’s good.


I will follow the cloud

At your command.

You must stretch my heart

And open my hand,

Clenched tight around the status quo.

Make room for new love

and new energy to grow

Again and again and again

As the cloud leads the way.


©2014 Thrive