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Written for Pat and Jenni…It was truly God’s design for us to be here together—“For such a time as this”

We want what You desire,
We’ve staked our lives on Your Truth.
We’ve forsaken the momentary comforts of home;
We’re sort of like modern-day Ruths.
Yet a longing still engages our thoughts and prayers,
One we cannot easily dismiss:
Is it wrong to want to be a Mrs. instead of just a Miss?
From the time we were little girls,
Playing with dolls or climbing trees with the boys, we knew,
“Someday, when I grow up,
I’ll be saying the magic words, ‘I do!’ ”
But childhood flew by without even a warning,
And from our adolescence, adulthood quickly grew.
Now our single hearts are constantly questioning:
“You said ‘All things work out for good’
But, Lord, is that really true?”
We read in Your Book, how in many followers’ lives,
Tests, trials, and tribulations produced patience and stronger faith.
However, at times, it’s sad to say,
“These virtues are fine, but sometimes all we want is a godly mate.”
Help us to hold on to Your hand, dear Lord,
Though, oftentimes it’s hidden from our sight.
Help us to see Your perfect plan, dear God,
Though our heart is sometimes overwhelmed by the pain of lonely nights.
We don’t want to neglect Your way, O God.
Or step outside of Your will.
But we find it hard to focus
While keeping our emotions and desires still.
Hear our pleas, O Comforting One,
And bring peace to our restless souls.
Calm our wandering, weary, anxious minds.
And lead us to Your safe sheepfold.
Give us joy on this journey, gladness in the valleys,
And purpose on this path divine.
Reassure us of Your understanding nature
All the while guiding us with Your all-seeing eye.
We love You, Lord
And we commit our ways to You;
For You alone hold the keys to an abundant life.
So illuminate our paths on the narrow road to becoming
even more like Christ.
We know that we are not out of Your sight
For You knit each of us before the creation of the world.
Yes, even before You said, “Let there be light!”
You knew these three Mozambique-global working girls.
You know us each so well,
Creator of our dust-like frame.
Even the hairs on our head, You’ve lovingly named.
We’re inscribed on Your palms,
So we’re always on Your mind.
Keep us thoughtful of this truth,
Especially when life seems so unkind.
“At the end of our life, O God
We want to be able to say,
That following Your direction
Was indeed the most blessed and beautiful way.


©2004 Thrive


View the original print magazine where this article was first published.