Topic: Identity in Christ

Today we pray for Attendees: Becky and Bonita

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (Jer. 31:3)

Abba Father, speak these truths deep into every woman: I am significant…I am beloved…I am valued…I am cherished…I am beautiful…I am chosen…I have a Father who loves, protects and provides for me…I am seen…I have a purpose…I am forgiven…I am free of condemnation and shame…I have an advocate…I have a defender…I am secure.

I can forgive because I’ve been forgiven…I can risk loving, because I am loved un-conditionally…I can extend grace, because I’ve been given grace…I can hope, because He is my Hope. All this in Jesus Name, Amen!!

Complete all you desire in and through each lady that you desire on this last day of the retreat. Please protect each lady as they return home, and guard their minds and hearts with truth as they’re -engage daily activities. We trust You to continue to answer the prayers we’ve lifted up on their behalf.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

©2017 Thrive

Regional Prayer Focus Nation: Croatia

Challenges for Prayer

The less reached. Historically, minority groups were the main force among Protestants/Independents, but this is changing. There are still peoples and areas with very little evangelical presence:

a) Croatians. Novi Zagreb is a region of the capital with one-eighth of Croatia’s population – but as of 2007, it had no evangelical church. The Istrian Penninsula, the Dalmatian coast and Zagorje in the north are all frontiers for witnessing believers to move into.

b) Romani. These peoples are neglected by evangelicals, but prove very responsive to the gospel, especially the young people. Pray for culturally appropriate churches to emerge among the Romani.

c) Other minorities. Albanians, Slovenes, Italians, Germans and others who have little exposure to or interaction with the good news.

Excerpts taken from Operation World