My name is Ellen Rosenberger. I’m married to a wonderful man, Luke, and we have three young kids: David (4 1/2), Emily (3) and Lucy (1 1/2). I love spending time with my family and when I get a free minute I love to play guitar, write, and read.

I live in Managua, Nicaragua where my husband and I met almost 11 years ago. We were single global worker teachers at the time. I’m full-time at home now while Luke continues to teach and help with the youth group at our Christian school.

We would love your prayers as we transition our family to Denver, Colorado. Luke will be starting classes at Denver Seminary in the fall. We are a mix of emotions: excited, at peace, sad, nostalgic, and a bit scared. Please pray that our family will adjust well and that we will process our time in Nicaragua in a healthy way.


©2016 Thrive.