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My name is Cecily. I serve in Bulgaria.

I have many things on my heart for Bulgaria, but in this season I am focused on caring for the church in Bulgaria.  I want to bring encouragement to the church, beginning with my local church.  I realize that my first course of action must be to come to the Lord in prayer with the needs of the church, and then follow through with the instructions the Lord provides in response to my prayers.

In addition to caring for the church, I seek to care for cross-cultural workers here in Bulgaria, beginning with those who are with me in our community.  My long-term desire is to establish a network of holistic cross-cultural worker care in Bulgaria, but I realize the importance of starting small at the local level and building from there. In bringing care to the church, to cross-cultural workers, to young Christians in need of discipleship and non-Christians with whom I have established friendships, my desire is to have a heart and a home that is hospitable—providing a place to pray together and to bring encouragement.

Another long-term desire is to be an advocate for the orphans in Bulgaria, many of whom have special needs.  I spent 18 months caring for ten of these dear children, and I long to see them develop and thrive.  One way in which I advocate for orphans is through my website:  As I say, there is much on my heart, and many plans on paper, but my life is a daily walk with the Lord, working with Him wherever He is working at the moment.  May it be true of me as it was of Jesus, “I do only what I see my Father doing.”

Thank you for praying for me.  My prayer is that I will remain faithful in prayer, truly seeking the Lord’s heart for Bulgaria and for those to whom He has sent me.  Then, that I will have boldness to walk in the ways the Lord calls me to in a way that truly honors Him and honors those to whom I am sent.  May I have the courage and the humility to truly seek for more of Him and less of me.


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